Aging affects every part of your body, but it’s most visible in your face. If you’re unhappy about the effect age has on your look, you may wonder if it’s time for a facelift. And you may ask yourself: What’s the best age to get a facelift?

Everyone ages at a different rate, so there’s no best age for getting a facelift.

At Integrative Medica Spa in Salt Lake City, Utah, our naturopathic physician, Jake Schmutz, NMD, takes a more natural approach to the aging process, offering nonsurgical and nontoxic aesthetic treatments to restore a youthful look.

In this month’s blog, we want to talk about the facelift, when it’s time to consider cosmetic surgery and our nonsurgical facelift alternatives.

About the facelift

A facelift, also called rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that lessens the visible signs of aging. During the procedure, a surgeon lifts and removes excess skin and repositions fat and muscle to rejuvenate your look.

Cosmetic surgeons customize facelift procedures to address individual needs and may use various approaches. Some procedures focus on the lower part of the face, while others address age-related changes to the neck.

The traditional facelift is the most involved, rejuvenating both the face and neck.

A facelift can revitalize your appearance, but it can’t change your fundamental features or stop the aging process.

Best age to get a facelift

The best age to get a facelift is the age in which you have moderate to severe facial wrinkling and sagging that you can’t fix with nonsurgical interventions. In general, most people get a facelift between ages 40 and 60.

The visible signs of aging occur because of structural changes in the skin and the subcutaneous layer of fat. As you get older, the skin’s collagen production slows down, causing it to thin and weaken. The layer of fat under the skin also declines and shifts downward.

The structural changes in the skin lead to the sagging and wrinkling that causes the deep lines and jowls (droopy cheeks). A surgical facelift corrects these structural changes, revitalizing your look.

The nonsurgical natural facelift

Collagen loss plays a major role in the visible signs of aging. What if you could delay the need for a facelift by boosting collagen production?

Our nonsurgical natural facelift treatment focuses on increasing collagen in the face and jaw, naturally tightening and elevating your skin, smoothing out lines and creases.

We use Morpheus8 to improve collagen in the skin. This state-of-the-art aesthetic tool combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to strengthen your skin.

Our collagen-inducing natural facelift requires little to no downtime and produces natural-looking results. You look like you, but with a fresh and glowing complexion.

There’s no best age to get a facelift, but taking good care of your skin now may delay the need for cosmetic surgery.

Are you considering a facelift? Do you want to know more about safe, nonsurgical options? Call our office today or book your consultation online.

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